Performance Reviews
One of the most crucial tasks in any organization is to provide constructive, objective, and actionable feedback to all of its key leaders and leadership groups. Constructive, productive, practical feedback and support is necessary whether one is performing a governance review or the evaluation of the CEO or any member of the leadership team, through to front-line managers.
BreakPoint Solutions has deep, wide-ranging experience in developing processes and instruments for the purpose of evaluation. Ideally, our consultants begin work with a client early in such a process and clarify key principles for such an engagement. Effective performance processes are characterized by clarity, transparency, consistency, and partnership with all concerned. Today’s most enlightened businesses work with those who are to be evaluated to establish the basis for evaluation, the process for such evaluation, how an evaluation is to be conducted, and the purpose to which the evaluation will be put. This alignment of expectations helps generate buy-in for and investment in the evaluation process.
BreakPoint Solutions can help a client work with its existing processes and instrumentation, with internationally validated assessment tools, through to the development of custom-developed processes and instruments. Depending on the approach, opportunities exist for both external and longitudinal benchmarking of performance. BreakPoint support can be targeted to both the evaluator and those who are being evaluated to ensure the best outcome from the evaluation is achieved –sustained performance at a higher level.