Carol Manson McLeod
bcomm, mscn, cec, acc
From very early in her career, Carol has been passionate about helping others realize their unimaginable potential, making the impossible, possible. Carol sees and draws out her clients’ untapped capabilities that – when tapped into – will make a difference in creating their desired futures.
Carol’s background is varied and diverse. After graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Manitoba, she quickly understood she needed to take a different path. Carol realized nursing was a better fit, so she completed a nursing diploma from St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg. Seeking to continue her learning, while living in Wales, Carol pursued and was awarded a Master Science of Nursing from the University of Wales.
Carol’s nursing career has been instrumental in opening doors to many other important opportunities in her career. In addition to holding leadership positions at hospitals and health authorities in Wales, Manitoba and Edmonton, Carol was also a surveyor for Accreditation Canada. In her role, she had the opportunity to assess healthcare organizations, servicing clients across the continuum in rural and urban and extremely remote areas of Canada. She saw firsthand that the challenges leaders deal with – whether in remote locations or large urban centers – are often the same. And the key to overcoming these challenges, attaining organizational goals, and achieving the strategic plan? Developing effective leadership skills.
Carol’s career shifted again and now she works as a leadership coach. Her clients – individuals and teams from C-Suite to front line workers – have included aspiring and seasoned leaders in both Canada and the United States who work in healthcare, the not-for-profit sector, and individuals who are entrepreneurs. In each of her coaching engagements, Carol is able to support leaders and organizations to implement lasting change. She helps create accountable cultures to attain quality and excellence, helping leaders grow so they can make a difference to their employees and clients they serve.
Carol’s signature style is growth through care and compassion. Her vision as a coach is to help unlock the potential everyone has to be their best personally and professionally. Working with Carol, you will cultivate your strengths and you will become a better leader.
When she is not working, Carol enjoys adventure travel and spending time with friends and family at the family cottage in northwestern Ontario. She is a proud parent of three successful adults who are pursuing their passions and who are inspirations for her to pursue new and interesting goals. Carol is currently learning to figure skate and is always working on improving her physical fitness, one day hoping to complete a triathlon.